- Track record on general activities:
· Cultural events with 1000 to 2000 participants each time to bring the community together every year.
- Translation and IAG services to the community that has increased the life standards of the Turkish and the Kurdish community.
· Theatre showcases every with 500 to 1000 participants each time to increase the interest in culture and theatre.
· Campaigns and projects against the rapidly increasing racism within the society and successful events in bringing the host community and the refugee communities together.
· Educational programmes towards the refugee communities to understand the host country culture and to promote integration.
· Monthly breakfast towards the refugee elderly, to bring them together, socially include them within the society and to break the isolation they face.
· Track record on youth Activities:
- Folk dance trainings- attract over 500 young people over a 5 year period.
- Supplementary schools for children and young people aged 6 to 16 to increase their educational achievements at their schools.
- Youth Camps- attracted over 400 young people over a period of 5 years.
- Youth cultural events- attracted over 3000 young people over a period of 5 years.
- Football trainings and league matches attracted 50 young people over a period of 2 years.
- Youth meetings on various issues and problems they face- attracted 900 young people over a period of 5 years.
- Youth act against crime project- attracted over 400 people over a period of 2 year.
- Track Record on women activities:
- 8th of march international women’s day activities and events- attracted over 750 women over a period of 5 years.
- Folk dance trainings- attracted over 250 women over a period of 5 years.
- Women camps- attracted over 300 women over a period of 5 years.
- Parenting programmes for women- attracted over 120 women over a period of 2 years.
- Women Chorus continues with over 50 women.
- Conferences and seminars on the issues and the problems of women- attracted over 300 women over a period of 3 years.
- Sportive activities for a healthier lifestyle- attracted over 150 women over a period of 4 years.
- Activities and programmes to increase the self-confidence of women-attracted over 800 women over period of 5 years.
- Clean society campaign against sexist and exploiting adverts on local Turkish newspapers- this campaign grew so big that 80% of the Turkish and the Kurdish community got involved in the campaign, as a result of the campaign 2 of the local newspapers removed these adverts 1 other has decided to remove these adverts once their contracts with the advertisers end. The campaign is still being talked by the community; it attracted councillors, and all other Turkish and Kurdish organisations in London.
- Projects and campaigns against domestic violence- attracted over 90 women over a 1 year period.
- Research amongst women- showed the 80% of the Turkish and Kurdish women in the UK are subject constant domestic violence from their partners and families and that 85% were being cheated by their partners, the research was on the cover page of local newspapers.
- Track record on family activities:
- Family learning programme educational seminars children and families together- attracted over 700 people over a period of 4 years.