
Refugee Workers Cultural Association – Refugee and Asylum Seekers Support




Annual service users


Participating the open air festival of the organisation on annual basis

Refugee Workers Cultural Association: Supporting Communities in the UK

The Refugee Workers Cultural Association (RWCA) is a registered charity in the UK dedicated to providing support to refugees and migrants. Founded in 1991 by a group of Turkish and Kurdish refugees, aiming to create a safe and nurturing space for other individuals in similar circumstances.
While RWCA works with refugees and migrants from diverse backgrounds worldwide, the majority of its service users and members come from Turkish and Kurdish-speaking origins. The organisation is committed to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for all, acknowledging that everyone deserves a secure and safe life. We are devoted to assisting refugees and migrants in rebuilding their lives in the UK.
Our Impact:
RWCA has made a significant impact on the lives of refugees and migrants in the UK. Through its services, the organisation has facilitated access to essential resources such as housing, employment, and benefits. Cultural activities organized by RWCA have enabled refugees and migrants to reconnect with their culture and heritage. Support groups established by RWCA have provided a safe haven for individuals to share their experiences and receive support from others. The advocacy and campaigning efforts has raised awareness about the challenges faced by refugees and migrants.
How You Can Contribute:
There are various ways in which you can support the ongoing work of RWCA in assisting refugees and migrants. Donations to the organization, volunteering your time, or spreading awareness about RWCA’s mission are all valuable contributions. Every small effort makes a difference in empowering and uplifting the lives of those in need.

Refugee Workers Cultural Association (RWCA) provides a wide range of support to their members and the wider refugee and asylum seeker communities, including:

Legal assistance: Refugees and asylum seekers often need legal assistance to navigate the complex immigration system. RWCA works with professional legal advisors and creates access to legal resources including the Refugee council.
• Employment assistance: Refugees and asylum seekers often face challenges finding employment. RWCA provides support to them with CV writing, and interview skills.
• English language classes: Many refugees and asylum seekers do not speak English. RWCA provides them with weekly English language classes to help them learn the language and integrate into the wider society.
• Mental health support: Refugees and asylum seekers often experience trauma and stress as a result of their experiences. RWCA provides them with mental health support to help them cope with these challenges.
• Social support: Refugees and asylum seekers often feel isolated and alone. RWCA provides them with social support groups and activities to help them connect with others and build a new community.
• Medical care: Refugees and asylum seekers often have difficulty accessing medical care. RWCA helps to connect them with doctors, dentists, and other healthcare providers that speak Turkish and Kurdish in the community.
• Food and clothing: RWCA often provides food and clothing to refugees and asylum seekers who are in need. We work closely with food banks to provide support to our communities.

Refugee Workers Cultural Association

Supporting victims of devastating Earthquake Aid

We are dismayed and heartbroken to hear of the terrible earthquakes that have affected various cities in Turkey, in which thousands of people have tragically lost their lives. Many of our members and wider community in the UK are from areas where the devastation has been worst, and we note with a solemn heart that relatives and those dear to us are among those who have been killed.

Supporting victims of devastating Earthquake Aid
Refugee Workers Cultural Association


  • Empower and support, migrant communities so they feel safe and confident to navigate and access the complex mainstream services system and challenges, maximising opportunities and fulfil their potential.
  • Promote members rights and strengthen social cohesion.
  • Help other organisations/services/groups including mainstream service providers to enhance understanding of this disadvantaged community and their issues so to better meet the needs of migrants.
Refugee Workers Cultural Association
  • Help communities to make informed positive choices through the provision of information, guidance and support.
  • Provide advocacy support for migrants especially for the most vulnerable to ensure their rights are protected.
  • Facilitate access to mainstream provision including healthcare, employment, advice and information.
  • Produce information and interpretation to support members to communicate with decision-makers, the wider community.
  • To increase the number of migrants who access our specialist, transformative services.
  • Deliver cultural programmes that the community can part-take and celebrate traditions.
  • To provide adaptive and innovative responses to changing needs.
  • Provide a safe, inclusive and accessible community centre.

Creating people powered change….